Causes and effects of the sintering size deviation of diamond saw blade segment

Many times the diamond saw blade segment in the sintering will appear some dimensional deviation, what is the cause?

The diamond saw blade segment sintering process is a very important process. The quality of diamond segment sintering directly affects the quality of diamond saw blade segment.

If the diamond saw blade segment thickness caused by sintering is uneven, height uneven and other dimensional deviation, will cause the diamond saw blade segment in welding is not consistent, increase the work of correction and cutting edge, and even cause the diamond saw blade segment end face and radial beat is large, seriously affecting the use of diamond saw blade segment effect.

After analyzing the reasons affecting the size deviation of the sintered diamond saw blade segment, it is concluded that the thermal deformation of the mold frame and so on in the sintering process is the main reason for the thickness size deviation of the sintered diamond saw blade segment. The tooth thickness deviation is the main cause of tooth height deviation, and the improvement measures are put forward to solve the problem of sintered diamond saw blade segment size deviation.

Knowing the reason for the deviation in the size of the diamond saw blade segment, the following is to introduce the measures. If you want to reduce the thickness deviation of the sintering segment, we need to reduce the total amount of thermal deformation of the segment thickness, and there are two ways to reduce the total amount of thermal deformation of the segment thickness: one is to reduce the amount of thermal deformation of the mold frame, and the other is to increase the amount of thermal deformation of the pad and pressure plate.

The factors that cause the model box to produce temperature rise are heat conduction, heat radiation and vortex action. Measures to reduce the temperature rise produced by the mold frame are: 1, add a heat shield between the mold frame and the pad plate, can reduce the temperature rise generated by conduction. 2, in the upper and lower pressure segment, the outer side of the upper and lower pad each set a heat shield, can reduce the mold frame and thermal radiation effect.

The above is about the diamond saw blade knife sintering size deviation reasons and impact of some content, I hope to help you, if there are problems at any time to contact us!

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